

To install the OpenTabulate package, one can use any tool that accesses the Python Package Index. In this guide, the command line tool pip is used to install OpenTabulate into a virtual environment in a recent version of Ubuntu or Debian Linux. Adapt and change the commands as needed.


OpenTabulate runs in Python 3, from versions 3.5 and up. As long as your version of Python 3 is generally up-to-date, the package should operate. In Ubuntu or Debian, install the following packages using apt

$ apt-get install python3 python3-venv python3-pip

if you do not have them already.

Setup and installing the package

Create the virtual environment in whichever directory you prefer, then activate it.

$ mkdir virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv virtualenv
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
(virtualenv) $

Now we can install OpenTabulate in our isolated virtual environment.

(virtualenv) $ pip3 install opentabulate

Now OpenTabulate is ready to be ran with the opentab command. Note for future runs, the virtual environment must be activated to use the opentab command.

Initializing OpenTabulate

OpenTabulate has to be configured before it can be used. Copy the configuration file with

(virtualenv) $ opentab --copy-config

This command copies the provided opentabulate.conf.example from the installed package to ~/.config/opentabulate.conf. Open the configuration file in a text editor and assign a path to a directory to the root_directory variable. Don’t forget to remove the comment prefix for the variable!

Configuration (before):

#root_directory =

Configuration (after):

root_directory = /home/bob/opentabulate

Finally, initialize the OpenTabulate processing directories using

(virtualenv) $ opentab --initialize

This completes the base installation to OpenTabulate. To get started using OpenTabulate, please read Basic Usage.